воскресенье, 12 мая 2019 г.

It is great to live in the country!

Nowadays people prefer different places of living in; someone likes countrysides, someone cities with civilization. It is the endless debate between people, what place is better. There are my examples why the house in the country is better, than flat in the city.
Firstly, the square. It is so difficult to find house in the center of city, but If we found, I would be too expensive. But everyone likes the big house more than a small flat, it is more comfortable and elite.
Secondly, the risk of terr acts. In big city with many people the risk of terr act is bigger, than in small village, because there are no cinema and theaters. That's why it is less danger to live in village.
But also the people in villages do not wear fashionable clothes, because it has no sense. There are no shops with clothes and other lovely things. There are no unhealthy or protein food, because everything is grown, like fruits and vegetables. There are no extreme places, no internet, no social networks, no parks. It is so boring to live in the country! You can just read and work in a garden. The choice is yours.
Especially I prefer the house which is not far away from the city, but it is not in a village. The ecology is better and the prices are lower, but the civilization is not a far way from my family. But if my family hadn't bought the house in the same place, I would have lived in flat in the center of city!

суббота, 11 мая 2019 г.

Перевернутый класс

Я проводила уроки по теме 6 модуля у 7б класса с 13.05 по 17.05 2019 года 
План работы, которому я придерживалась 
Я провела урок Вокабуляра у 7б класса в понедельник 13.05
Домашнее задание на карточках
Если оставалось время, то ребята выполняли задание в учебнике 

Я провела урок Грамматики у 7б класса 14.05 
Документ, который был дан в помощь для повторения https://docs.google.com/document/d/1krPjgRgpAr1PK4ICqpLApHk2tooEtbzS-ZXAzRi5XSI/edit?usp=sharing
Грамматика 6 модуля: Causative, Passive Voice, Reported Speech  
Домашнее задание было выполнить 
5 предложений в Causative 
5 предложений в Passive Voice 
10 предложений в Reported Speech 
Я провела урок Письма у 7б класса 16.05 
Домашнее задание было выполнить эссе 

Final project

Final Project