суббота, 16 ноября 2019 г.

Final product

Hello, my name is Serafima. I am the most famous stylist in Russia, I have worked with the many designers all around the world. My brand is called "The Mow".
The main point of the business is to have profits. But if your business don't have any customer services, you will not recieve money. I would like to tell how to be a responsible and famous businesswoman and have profitable stores.
Your brand shoud have a peculiarity. Have you ever thought what will we be wearing in the future? Manel Torres and Prof Paul Luckham have invented a spay-on fabric. The spray contains wool, minute cotton, linen or acryl fibres that dry constantly on your skin and turn into garments like T-shirt or Tops. When you get bored of wearing one cloth, you can dissolve it and use the material again to make something new. This spray you may buy in my shop.
We are trying to be ethical. We manufacture all the products under acceptable working conditions. Also they are labelled  'fairtrade', it is a guarantee.
We use fewer natural resources, and avoid goods which come in unnecessary packaging. The goal is not to waste anything! Another great option is buying second-hand. You can find special stands in my shops with quality second-hand items at low prices. All the clothes are already made out of recycled materials. 
As I said before I was working with the designers before I started my business. So I may collaborate with my friends-celebrieties and create new collections. 
Shop assistants in my shops are professionals,They would have helped you to combine the clothes, to choose the right size and color by the time you choose something to fit on . If you want to drink something, my workers will propose you.
We have discounts for the students, families and old people.
We have special named stands, which can help you to find the right size without asking foa a help of our assistants. And the last and the coolest proposition, you may be a part of a Giveaway, where you can win clothes. And we organize fashion days, where my colleagues and me are giving you advises how to match the clothes and choose the right colors for your skin.
We have our site, where you can buy things online.
Advantages of Online Shopping.
Point-of-sale advantages include stores offering no shipping charges and free ship-to-store options. The store is almost never closed. I can go shopping, wearing a pajama and drinking something hot. There are more choices for buying refurbished products. You can read reviews about the products that they purchased. And the last plus is online shoppers do not have to wait in long lines to check out. But also there are pluses of shopping in real life. You can lose calories, walking around the booths. Sometimes it is better to fit on the outfit and see the quality of the clothes. You may drink tea or coffee for free in my chain of stores.
My shop has an Instagram page with millions of followers, using this social network customers can order something.

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Final project

Final Project